Are Infrared Heaters Safe?

You know about the benefits of an infrared heater, but you are probably wondering “Are infrared heaters safe?”

Yes, an infrared heater does use electromagnetic radiation, but don’t worry because it’s usually completely safe.

Infrared heaters consume a low amount of energy and have reasonable costs. An infrared heater may just be the perfect heating solution for you.

What are Infrared Heaters?

Infrared heaters produce light in a manner similar to the sun. The infrared light emitted by these heaters is invisible to the naked eye as its wavelength is beyond the spectrum we see.

Just as you tend to feel chilly in the shade and warm under sunlight, you will feel warmth where an infrared heater is installed. This heater works by directly warming the individuals and objects in front of it rather than warming the entire room.

Infrared heaters are available with varying specifications, such as different maximum output levels, different controls, and different designs. They can generate heat through electricity, natural gas or propane.

Are Infrared Heaters Safe?

The term “infrared heating” does have an uncomfortable ring to it, but be assured that there is nothing dangerous about it. Although it provides warmth in the same way as the sun, the intensity of an infrared heater is much lesser.

The radiation factor

Infrared heaters use the electromagnetic radiation process to warm a space. We usually associate the word “radiation” with something that is harmful to our health. However, these heaters are especially designed to radiate infrared rays in safe ways.

Radiation can be broadly categorized into 2 types: ionizing and non-ionizing.  Ionizing radiation is considered a health hazard that could even cause cancer. Infrared heaters have a radiation level that is just below the ionizing level, making it a safe form of heating.

Near infrared heat vs. far infrared

Infrared heat is of 2 kinds: near infrared heating and far infrared heating. It is important to understand the difference between the two before you buy an infrared heater.

Heaters that are based on near infrared heating have a brighter light and emanate heat at high temperatures. This type of heat is usually used to treat patients in medical facilities.

It is unsafe to be exposed to near infrared for longer time periods as it can cause thermal burns and ageing effects on the surface of the skin. It can also be harmful for the eyes as near infrared can emit wavelength as far as the cornea. You should wear protective eyewear in case of prolonged exposure to near infrared.

Nevertheless, there is no need to worry as the heaters commonly available in the market use far infrared. They can warm your skin, clothing and the area around you without having a disturbing bright light. Far infrared enables you to feel warm naturally as your body absorbs the infrared light.


Far infrared is a safer heating option as it does not increase the room temperature by heating the room as a whole. Therefore, infrared heaters do not pollute the air and keep the environment clean and dry.

Infrared heaters do not release any mold or mildew into the space, preventing the risk of respiratory illnesses. The reduction in air circulation minimizes the chances of airborne diseases.

Moreover, infrared heaters do not produce carbon monoxide or other greenhouse gases. Many businesses and consumers are shifting towards eco-friendly products, making infrared heaters an excellent choice in this day and age where the global environment is deteriorating.

How to Use Infrared Heaters Safely?

Infrared heaters are generally considered safe for home and commercial use. Adopting a few safety measures can minimize health risks and chances of accidents.

Maintain a safe distance

Keeping a safe distance from an infrared heater is imperative it is functioning. The surface of these heaters can become quite hot when the heating panels reach a temperature of up to 90 degrees Celsius.

It is best to install infrared heaters out of the way so that the risk of accidentally touching them is eliminated. For this reason, these heaters are generally fixed on high walls or ceilings.

Commercial heaters emit much more heat and usually have a minimum installation height for mounting them on walls or ceilings. However, some companies have now begun to manufacture infrared heaters that have a cool-to-touch exterior.

Avoid prolonged exposure

Just like it is harmful to stay under the sun’s direct light for a long period of time, it is advised to limit prolonged exposure to an infrared heater as it can result in burn injuries.

It is therefore advised to install them at a safe distance and keep children and pets away from them. Also, make sure no plants or objects are placed in the way of the heater. Remember to keep the heater at least 12-18 inches away from the closest object.

It is strongly advised to turn the heater off before sleeping or use a timer that would turn it off an hour or two after you have fallen asleep. No matter how safe the manufacturer claims the heater to be, a high temperature machine always carries the risk of causing a fire before you realize it.

Timely Maintenance

Regular maintenance is vital for operating an infrared heater efficiently and safely. Ensure that no flammable objects are kept near the heater and routine check-ups are conducted.

It is common for dust and debris to get trapped inside the heater, which can serve as a heat isolator. Make sure you clean its part from dust and debris according to the procedure given in the manual.

Tip-Over Safety

If you are using a small, floor-standing infrared heater, make sure that it has a tip-over safety mechanism. This enables the heater to turn off automatically when accidentally tipped over.

This function is great for homes where toddlers or pets tend to roam around without constant adult supervision. In order to maximize safety, also make sure that your heater has overheat protection. These measures will significantly reduce the fire hazard caused by the heater.

Infrared heaters are manufactured to be generally safe for use. Several options are available in the market, such as the Tao-Tronics PTC Space Heater and the Wexstar Infrared Panel Heater. If infrared heating fits your requirement, make sure you choose a heater best suited to your needs.

If you have pets or children at home, go for an infrared panel heater so that it can be fixed high up on the walls or the ceiling to avoid accidents. Make sure that individuals and objects are at a safe distance from the heater at all times. Taking these few precautions will make infrared heaters safe for use at your home or office.

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About the Author: Doug Smith

Doug has been working around the house fixing stuff for years with a smile on his face. Let's just say he is an avid DIYer. Recently, he has decided to share some of the lessons learnt and knowledge gained from fixing things online. Hope you like what he has to say.