How To Clean Outdoor Candles on your Patio?

Nothing is more pleasant and relaxing than the ambiance created by the flickering lights of a candle, along with the scent it releases into the air. 

It is not my words; instead, you don’t have to believe me because it is scientifically proven to enhance mood. Most families’ most incredible memory is around some sort of flickering fire. 

While chilling outdoors on your patio relaxing and enjoying the evening, the sight and smell of candles is a mood enhancer. It is the substance of great memories.

A dirty outdoor candle is never a beautiful sight and needs regular cleaning. 

The main ingredient in candles is wax. It is easy for candles to get dirty because candles of the wax.  Wax is like a dirt magnet when left outside in the element – wind, rain, dust and sunshine. So over time, they can become quite sticky with baked-on dirt.  

If your candle is grimy, I’ve researched a simple method to eliminate the grime on your outdoor candles. 

Step-by-step guide on how to clean outdoor candles

I did not like the looks of my outdoor candles therefore, I researched and found a lovely little step-by-step process on how to clean outdoor candles. 

Gather the tools for the job.

The job is not too difficult, so here are the essential tools and materials you would need for this simple project. 

  • A small knife or razor blade
  • Alcohol – Isopropyl alcohol is a great option
  • Soap – The regular dish soap found in the kitchen is good enough
  • A small piece of cloth – a traditional duster is OK
  • Cotton balls – Cotton balls to apply the alcohol. 
  • A small basin – A small basin holds warm water to soak the candle holders. 

Now that you have gathered all the tools and materials needed, it is time to start cleaning the dirty candles. 

Clean the candle holders

Remove the candles from the candle holders and detach them from the wall patio wall, if the candle holders are detachable.

Use your small knife or razor to scrape off any excess candle wax. Sometimes the wax that dripped on the candle holders are hardened. 

If this is the case, place them in the basin filled with hot water. 

After a while, the wax will loosen making it the perfect time to wash the holders with soap to get rid of the excess dust and candle wax. 

It is crucial that you do not place waxy candle holders in your dishwasher – the wax will only melt and clog your dishwasher filter. 

Clean the candles

Now it is time to clean the candles. Wipe the excess dust off the candles – use the dust cloth or a feather duster. 

If the candles are left outdoors for much of the year, you may need to do a few more steps to clean the candles because of  the embedded dirt is on the candle,

Apply the alcohol to the candle

Rub the alcohol on the candles using the cotton balls drenched in alcohol. 

Apply the alcohol to the candles from top to bottom, in a circular motion, until the dirt lifts off. 

Be careful around the wick because it is usually brittle and can make a mess on the candle since it is wet. Continue this process until you can see the natural colour of the candle. 

Maintenance of clean candles

You can do a few things to prevent your candles from getting too dirty in the future. 

The first step to preventing your candles from getting too messy in the future is to keep your candles covered. 

You can get something to cover the candles when not in use. In the end, you must clean the covers regularly to prevent it from looking horrible. 

The next thing you can do is to keep them covered and indoors, in a box or bag. If you want to keep the candles outdoors on show, keep them in a cool, dry place. 

A hot, humid spot on your patio will only attract more dirt and cause the dust to embed itself deep in the candle wax. 

Next step after cleaning the outdoor candles

After cleaning your candles, you replace them in their place on candle holders so you can enjoy them again. 

If the first location was too windy, humid and dusty, try a new site on your patio with less exposure to the elements. 

Prevent Candles From Getting Dirty in the future

As mentioned before, the best way to keep your candles clean is to place them in a candle holder away from the element. 

You can put them in a mason jar; they are both practical and provide a great aesthetic look. You can also buy an artificial candle with the same effect – flickering lights. 

The simplest and cheapest way is to store the candles indoors when not in use. That is if you can remember to take them indoors. Enjoy your candles. 

That is it on the cleaning of dirty candles.

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About the Author: Doug Smith

Doug has been working around the house fixing stuff for years with a smile on his face. Let's just say he is an avid DIYer. Recently, he has decided to share some of the lessons learnt and knowledge gained from fixing things online. Hope you like what he has to say.