How to Clean Bird Poop Off Concrete?

Not only is bird poop unsightly, but it can also be dangerous to your health. No one likes to clean up bird poop. 

Bird droppings are especially difficult to remove from concrete if it remains there for a long time. 

It’s important to clean bird poop as soon as possible because bird poop can contain harmful bacteria that can cause respiratory infections. 

If you have bird poop on your concrete, don’t despair! With a little elbow grease and the right products, you can get rid of that bird poop for good.

In this article, you will learn how to clean bird poop off concrete using familiar tools; scrub brushes and common chemicals, like Hydrogen Peroxide and Muriatic Acid. 

How to Easily Clean Bird Poop Off Concrete?

There are many different ways to clean bird droppings off concrete floors. The best way to clean up poop is to do it before the bird poop dries. 

When the bird’s poop is fresh, just wipe it off the floor with a paper towel. If you leave it to dry, you’ll have to try another method. 

If the bird droppings are on the floor for a while and start to harden, you can try mixing one part bleach with ten parts water, spray the area and let it soak for about five minutes. 

Then scrub away the poop with a stiff brush. The solution should kill any bacteria that might be present in the bird poop. 

The liquid solution will also prevent the faeces from being blown up in the air and causing respiratory problems.

How to clean bird poop off the concrete in easy steps

Bird poop can be a nuisance on your patio, When it dries, the hard-to-remove residue can pit and discolor concrete surfaces. 

Fortunately, you can remove most dried bird droppings from concrete with minimal effort. 

If you’re wondering how to clean bird poop off concrete patios, the process is actually quite simple. Follow these steps for the best result.

Step 1: Wet the concrete

All you need to do is wet the concrete with some water. The water will loosen the dried bird poop and make it easier to remove. 

Step 2: Apply dish soap

The next step is to get a bucket, pour hot water in it and apply dish soap to make a solution for cleaning off bird poop. 

The mixture should be 1/3 hot water and 2/3 dish soap.  Apply the soapy solution to bird poop with a garden sprayer. 

You could also apply the soapy solution with a garden sprayer or pump up the sprayer and work it into the concrete.

Step 3: Scrub the concrete

Let the soap soak into the bird poop on the concrete before scrubbing it. Use a scrub brush, stiff broom or even a power washer if you have one. 

Use the brush, broom or pressure washer to remove as much of the bird poop residue as possible.

Step 4: Rinse the concrete

Rinse off the soap residue and dry the concrete. If you have a power washer, use that to remove any remaining soap.

You can also use a hose with a spray nozzle to rinse away any soap residue or bird droppings. Once the concrete dries, it should be clean and free of any bird droppings. 

Step 5  Treat the concrete

Apply a concrete sealer to protect the fresh concrete from future stains and damage. 

This will create a barrier between the concrete and any stains or dirt that may try to penetrate it. 

Concrete sealers are available in both water-based and solvent-based formulas, so be sure to choose the right one for your needs. 

Following the manufacturer’s instructions, apply the sealer with a brush, roller, or sprayer.

Step 5: Repeat as necessary

How to Clean Bird Poop Off Concrete? As you read above, the process is quite simple. 

If you were and the was not perfect then wash as often as possible to prevent the build-up of bird residue. 

The most important thing to remember is the job must be done correctly.  If you have doubts about your ability to carry out the task independently, hire a professional.

Stain removal

After following the above steps, the bird droppings have been removed, but what about the stains? 

To remove residual stains, you need to prepare: Hydrogen Peroxide or special detergent for concrete

Apply a moderate amount of Hydrogen Peroxide on the stains and let them sit for a few minutes to cleanse the surface. 

In addition to being a gentle industrial cleanser, hydrogen peroxide is used in medicine to disinfect surfaces. 

Then, use a strong scrub brush and clean with a hose. You can easily find it at any drugstore.

Health note

Bird droppings contain urine and feces which converts to acids or guanines. The uric acid forms a white paste called urine, with dark brown feces in the middle. 

The acid uric found in bird droppings may harm concrete leaving unattractive stains.

You should clean up bird droppings quickly because they can be hazardous to your health. bird droppings contain the fungus Histoplasma and Chlamydia bacteria, causing a decrease in immunity if inhaled by humans.


In conclusion, cleaning bird poop off concrete is not as difficult as one might think. A few simple steps can be followed to remove the mess quickly and easily. 

With a little elbow grease and the right tools, anyone can have their concrete looking like new in no time.

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About the Author: Doug Smith

Doug has been working around the house fixing stuff for years with a smile on his face. Let's just say he is an avid DIYer. Recently, he has decided to share some of the lessons learnt and knowledge gained from fixing things online. Hope you like what he has to say.