Can Outdoor Heaters Be Left Out In The Rain?

It is always great to enjoy the cooler months outdoors, on the patio, by using an outdoor patio heater to keep you warmer. However, sometimes the weather catches us out and you may wonder or ask yourself this question, can outdoor heaters be left out in the rain?

Outdoor heaters are purposefully designed to deal with different weather condition including rain. A small drizzle is not much of a problem but inclement weather conditions is a much different story, frequent exposure to rain over long periods of time will shorten the life of your product. 

In this article, I will share with you you how to protect your outdoor heater from the rain, making sure that your product lasts for as long as possible. Let’s take a look at different outdoor patio heaters to know which one fares better in the rain.

Suitability of different types of outdoor heaters in the rain. 

While you look forward to making your outdoor space warmer in the cooler seasons it is important that you look for heaters that are purposely designed do deal with the extreme outdoor weather conditions. 

Some outdoor heaters are made to deal with extreme outdoor weather while others are not.

It is therefore important for you to know the difference between the different outdoor heathers and what to do in each case to protect your outdoor heater. 

Let’s figure this out now by having a look at the different types of outdoor heaters. 

Fixed based Natural gas outdoor heaters

These heaters are fixed to a particular position in your garden or on your deck, they cannot be moved and are normally fitted to the gas line supply to the property. 

As a result, they are usually specifically designed to withstand inclement weather conditions including rain, wind and snow. 

However, it is still a good idea to get a good cover for them when they are not in use, in order to protect the finish from the element (dirt, dust and bird poop) and prevent the formation of rust. We want our heater to look good for longer. 

Portable Gas-Based outdoor heater

Portable Gas outdoor heaters use some sort of canister with fuel such as propane or butane to work and are designed to deal with light rain. In cases of extreme weather condition, it is better to move them to a section of the patio unaffected by the rain. 

The gas heaters are portable but not light, therefore, it can be a difficult task to move them by yourself if you are not strong. If bad weather is predicted it is better to get help to move them to a location out the rain and where the wind won’t tip it over. 

Normally, the come with wheels to make the task of moving easier. On the other hand, the tabletop patio heaters are lighter,as they use only a small 1 lb canister of fuel and therefore easily moveable. When it rains you can easily switch those off and take them indoors. 

Remember not to use these indoors because of the carbon monoxide fumes that they emit. If you are outside and it is only a light drizzle it is fine to stay outside and continue to use the heater. 

Electric infrared outdoor heaters

Electricity and water are not friends when they mix something bad might happen. You may therefore think that electric outdoor heaters would never work if it rains but you would be wrong. 

If your electric patio is IP55 rated you don’t have to worry about leaving your patio heater outside when there is an unexpected rain shower. 

Many patio electric heaters are insulated and therefore can be used in most weather conditions, even torrential rain. Remember, the IP55 rating means it will be protected from rain showers. 

If not in use you can get yourself a rain cover. If you happen to know that it will rain then take your electric heater inside unless of course, it is attached to the wall. 

Most patio heater features a safety tilt switch, so if you accidentally knocked it over it will automatically turn off. Electric patio heaters that are IPX5 rated or much higher means that they are waterproof. 

Whichever electric patio heater you choose can be protected by a Residual Current Device (RCD). If you are not sure there is one built-in you can buy a plug top RCD on amazon cheaply if you live in the UK. 

What To Do When Your Patio Heater Lives outdoors Permanently?

If possible, it is better to take your patio heater indoors and away from element if you want it to last for a long time. If it has to remain outdoors here are few things that you can consider. 

Covered Patio

If your patio heater lives under a covered patio you do not have to move it when it rains. There is talk about the dangers of using patio heaters indoors but some are safe to use indoors as long as you take certain precautions. 

For example, you need at least two feet clearance and about 6 feet from any combustible material if you are using the mushroom style patio heaters. 

This is because outdoor heaters use more radiant heat that works by warming objects in close vicinity. The covered patio means that it is protected from the rain. 

Patio Cover

If you are not going to be using your outdoor patio heater then it is important that you cover it with a patio heater cover. A good patio heater cover can protect your heater from the damaging effect of the weather. 

The rain, wind, sun and dirt will be blocked from your patio heater. You can read my article on the best cover for your patio heater here

You need a patio heater cover made of tough fabric with a water-resistant backing that will protect against the elements and won’t crack with the cold in winter and the heat in summer.

If the cover is too expensive you can consider a high-temperature tarpaulin. 

You should only cover the patio heater when it is cool. Doing so when it is hot could potentially cause a fire. No one wants that. 

The easiest way to protect your outdoor heater from rain cheaply is to get an inexpensive cover from Amazon or your favorite retail outlet.

What to do if it starts to rain while in operation?

Outdoor heaters are not meant to be used in heavy rain, maybe because you won’t be outside. For the same reasons, if it rains while in operation, it is best to switch off. If you are using a small heater you can move it under a covered area. 

Alternatively, if you want to remain outside you can place a patio umbrella or shade over, bear in mind the safety precautions. 


Using outdoor heaters is the best way to enjoy your deck for that much longer when the weather becomes a bit chilly. 

A rain event will sometimes catch us off gurard, therefore, for our safety manufactures design outdoor patio heaters robust enough in order to withstand the rigours of the weather.

Even though they are designed to be outdoors you can protect your investment by keeping them under the covered patio or cover them with a patio heater cover if you want the heater to last for a long time. Get one that can withstand high temperature. 

Hope I’ve answered your questions ‘Can outdoor heaters be left out in the rain?’ satisfactorily. I spend a lot of time gathering this information so consider leaving a comment or share this information with anyone that needs to know. Thanks for reading this post. 

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About the Author: Doug Smith

Doug has been working around the house fixing stuff for years with a smile on his face. Let's just say he is an avid DIYer. Recently, he has decided to share some of the lessons learnt and knowledge gained from fixing things online. Hope you like what he has to say.