What To Use In The Bottom Of A Fire Pit?

There are a variety of fire pits for the metal bowl or the one you did in the earth and pack bricks around the bottom of it. If you are making your own fire pit as a DIY project then you may want to know what to use in the bottom of a fire pit. 

Hard rock, gravel, and sand can be used as a filler at the bottom of your fire pit to create good drainage. However, since the fire pit can reach very high temperatures it is much better for you to use lava rocks or lava glass beads instead – they are more suited to withstand extreme temperatures without cracking or exploding.  

If you are going to use hard rocks or gravel in your fire pit make sure they totally dry. Moisture trapped in these materials can explode if the fire pit is heated to very high temperatures. 

Materials most commonly used at the base of a fire pit

  • Earth (or Dirt) 
  • Gravel
  • Sand
  • Rocks
  • Lava Rocks
  • Fire Pit Glass

Which Material is best for the base of the fire pit?

Each of the materials listed has its own pros and cons. Therefore, it is dependent on your personal circumstances that will determine which is better. The most common material placed at the bottom of the fire pit is sand. Read the article why sand is the best material to put at the base of the fire pit.  

Dirt at the base

If you are every building a fire pit and is low on cash then dirt is a good option. Dirt is free. It is also easy to install and provide a bit of heat resistance. In the end, the dirt can be mixed with the ash and use to fertilise plants. Dirt does not offer much in way of drainage. Therefore, if you plan to use the fire pit frequently a different option is needed. 

Sand and gravel at the bottom.

You can put sand at the base of your fire pit. If you are going to use it in a propane fire pit then it is important that you do not cover over the gas outlet. Gravel proved more space and reduce the possibility of covering over the gas outlet hence better patio fire. 

Rocks can be used at the bottom of the fire pit

Small rocks can be used at the bottom of the fire pit. The rocks are quite hard and they give the fire an interesting look. It is important that the rocks are bone dry as they can explode. Lava rocks are a better option.

Lava rocks

Lava rocks are specifically designed to withstand very high temperatures therefore they’re perfectly suited to be placed in the bottom of your fire pit. In addition, they add this exotic look to the fire pit.

These rocks are amazing and you don’t have to worry about them cracking, breaking, or exploding. Guess they are perfect for your fire pit since they are most likely made out of obsidian. If you need something more interesting why not use some 

Firepit glass

Firepit glasses is man-made and come in many shapes and sizes. They are great for your fire pit as they do not absorb moisture and therefore cannot explode under extreme heat. 

I love this one because the fire looks so amazing as it reflected on the glass as it dances. They are great for propane fire pits. however, if you use a wood-based fire pit then you may have to clean the fire pit glass every few weeks. 


Fire pits are easy to install and cheaper to run if you have access to dry wood of your property. If you do not have wood then propane fire pits may serve you well. Now that you know What To Use In The Bottom Of A Fire Pit go out there and build your own firepits. Learn how to build a fire pit by reading this article.

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About the Author: Doug Smith

Doug has been working around the house fixing stuff for years with a smile on his face. Let's just say he is an avid DIYer. Recently, he has decided to share some of the lessons learnt and knowledge gained from fixing things online. Hope you like what he has to say.